Weather Alerts for Mecosta County

Issued by the National Weather Service

Special Weather Statement  SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT   Special Weather Statement

Areas Affected:
Lake - Osceola - Clare - Newaygo - Mecosta - Isabella - Montcalm - Gratiot
Effective: Sat, 1/25 4:48pm Updated: Sat, 1/25 6:22pm Urgency: Expected
Expires: Sat, 1/25 9:00pm Severity:  Moderate  Certainty: Observed

At 440 PM, a band of snow showers was developing to the west of Reed
City and Big Rapids, near Baldwin. These snow showers were tracking
east at 35 mph. They will track through the U.S. 131 region by 600 pm
and continue further east towards U.S. 127 by 700 pm. Some of this
snow will be briefly heavy and winds gusts could temporarily reach
40 mph with passage of these snow showers. Snowfall amounts of around
an inch will be possible from these snow showers.

Motorists should be alert for sudden changes to the visibility and
possible slick conditions.